5 Benefits Of Avocado Fruit For The Skin

Are you a fan of avocado fruit? Good news for you, because now Tafassahu.com wants to share the 5 benefits of avocado fruit for the skin. Fruit fleshy greenish yellow with one round seed inside has a mix of sweet and savory flavors. In addition it is consumed directly or made into an ingredient of the drink, the fruit of the avocado is also widely used as a starting material for the manufacture of extra sauce or food.

Like many other types of fruit, the fruit of this one also has a useful vitamin for the health of the body and skin. In addition to the consumted directly, use meat as an ingredient of fruit skin care can also be done. Want to know what are the benefits of the fruits that can be given on this one? Refer to the summary of benefits of avocado fruit here!

Benefits Of Avocado

1. Rejuvenate skin
Avocado fruit rich in flavonoids and vitamins C and E are good in helping the process of skin rejuvenation. In order to keep the skin toned and youthful, rajin-rajinlah wear masks of avocado fruit meat already mashed. You can also add olive oil or yogurt as the mixture to optimize results.

2. Overcome the wrinkles
Wrinkles or fine lines as a sign of aging often appear in the area below the eyes, eyelids, forehead and the skin around the lips. The presence of fine lines is quite troubling, especially for women who haven't stepped on the age of 30. To resolve it, the mask avocado fruits with potassium content and vast gardens can be utilized. It's easy, with smooth avocado is ripe that bua and applying it to the skin that have wrinkles. Do regularly because natural ingredients do not give instant results.

3. Moisturize the skin
Avocado fruit is rich in deposits of oil and vitamin E which is very useful for treating dry skin. Fruit puree the avocado and mix with olive oil or almond oil, then apply to your face as a mask. Let sit until it dries before being rinsed with clean water until use.

4. Overcoming the taint of acne scars and black flecks
The habit of pressing the acne or exposure of UV rays can cause defects in the skin in the form of black stains. Freckles on the face of this difficult removed, but you can try to resolve it with the help of avocado fruit. How, create a mask from the avocado fruit is mashed together with milk pure. Apply this mask on the face on a regular basis and see results is given.

5. Smooth skin
The skin is dry and rough especially at the backs of the hands and feet is often inevitable frequently to be outdoors when the Sun Middle terik-teriknya. To resolve it, prepare oatmeal and mashed avocado fruit to meat. Then, mix the two ingredients and use as a scrub. Let stand about 15 minutes before rinsed so that the content of these concoctions seep into the skin. Any skin will be noticeably smoother and moisturized.


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