Ideal Body Weight Helps Prevent Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the chronic diseases that causes the highest death in Indonesia. In fact, the number of cases of pain continues to increase. Riskesdas 2018 data shows the prevalence of diabetes is 8.5%, an increase compared to Riskesdas 2013 which is 6.9%.
Head of Indonesian Endocrinology (PERKENI), Prof. DR. dr. Ketut Suastika, SpPD-KEMD said that one of the causes of diabetes is obesity which is not treated immediately. In prediabetic patients, it is characterized by elevated blood sugar, fasting blood sugar ranges from 100-125 while blood sugar after meals is 140<200.
"If this condition is ignored, then sooner or later he will fall into diabetes," he said at the 2021 National Diabetes Day media meeting.
His party emphasized that primary prevention efforts must be carried out as soon as possible since prediabetes and even diabetes so as not to cause other health problems such as heart complications. According to him, this method is much more efficient and effective to treat patients than when they have fallen ill.
One of the primary prevention efforts is to achieve an ideal body weight. In one study, it was stated that with a weight loss of about 6.5% after 4 weeks of a low-calorie diet the results were lower blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.
“Diabetes is a big problem in Indonesia. The most important thing is to manage your lifestyle, don't forget to do regular physical activity, keep your diet and do early checks," he said.
The threat of diabetes is not only faced by the adult age group, but this disease can also threaten children.
Representing the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Dr. Muhammad Faizi, Sp.A(K) said the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in children in Indonesia continues to increase, dominated by teenagers aged 10-12 years and children aged 5-6 years.
"The population of diabetic children is large in Western Indonesia, only a few in the East," he said.
In order to control blood sugar levels, dr. Faizi describes the management of children with diabetes referring to 5 pillars including insulin injections, monitoring blood sugar levels, providing nutrition, physical activity and lifelong education.
However, the big hand faced in controlling diabetes in Indonesia is that patients are often too late to find out about DM. So, it is often found at an advanced stage or has been accompanied by complications, such as heart attacks and strokes, severe foot infections that can lead to disability and premature death.
"Our problem is our awareness about type 1 diabetes mellitus, so many patients come late," he said.
In order to control blood sugar levels, dr. Faizi describes the management of Diabetes Militus by referring to 5 pillars including insulin injections, monitoring blood sugar levels 6 times a day, nutritional intake, physical activity and lifelong education.
Head of the Bureau of Communication and Community Services (drg. Widyawati, MKM)
Head of Indonesian Endocrinology (PERKENI), Prof. DR. dr. Ketut Suastika, SpPD-KEMD said that one of the causes of diabetes is obesity which is not treated immediately. In prediabetic patients, it is characterized by elevated blood sugar, fasting blood sugar ranges from 100-125 while blood sugar after meals is 140<200.
"If this condition is ignored, then sooner or later he will fall into diabetes," he said at the 2021 National Diabetes Day media meeting.
His party emphasized that primary prevention efforts must be carried out as soon as possible since prediabetes and even diabetes so as not to cause other health problems such as heart complications. According to him, this method is much more efficient and effective to treat patients than when they have fallen ill.
One of the primary prevention efforts is to achieve an ideal body weight. In one study, it was stated that with a weight loss of about 6.5% after 4 weeks of a low-calorie diet the results were lower blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.
“Diabetes is a big problem in Indonesia. The most important thing is to manage your lifestyle, don't forget to do regular physical activity, keep your diet and do early checks," he said.
The threat of diabetes is not only faced by the adult age group, but this disease can also threaten children.
Representing the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Dr. Muhammad Faizi, Sp.A(K) said the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in children in Indonesia continues to increase, dominated by teenagers aged 10-12 years and children aged 5-6 years.
"The population of diabetic children is large in Western Indonesia, only a few in the East," he said.
In order to control blood sugar levels, dr. Faizi describes the management of children with diabetes referring to 5 pillars including insulin injections, monitoring blood sugar levels, providing nutrition, physical activity and lifelong education.
However, the big hand faced in controlling diabetes in Indonesia is that patients are often too late to find out about DM. So, it is often found at an advanced stage or has been accompanied by complications, such as heart attacks and strokes, severe foot infections that can lead to disability and premature death.
"Our problem is our awareness about type 1 diabetes mellitus, so many patients come late," he said.
In order to control blood sugar levels, dr. Faizi describes the management of Diabetes Militus by referring to 5 pillars including insulin injections, monitoring blood sugar levels 6 times a day, nutritional intake, physical activity and lifelong education.
Head of the Bureau of Communication and Community Services (drg. Widyawati, MKM)
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